
Derpy Reviews Review Policy.

If you are a Author, Publisher, Publicist, Agent or other and would like me to review your book or product, please send our team an email to:
DerpyReviewsTeam [at] gmail [dot] com
For an extra fast response put "Review" in the subject box.
   I will ONLY review Young-Adult books and occasionally Middle Grade Novels.

I review physical ARCs, finished review copies or eBooks that work on my Kindle.

If you expect your book to be reviewed by a certain date or would like the post published on a specific date, you MUST specify that in your original email. I will try to work with you to some degree.

All Reviews will be posted on Derpy Reviews, my personal GoodReads account, the offical Derpy Reviews Team GoodReads account, Amazon.com, and NetGalley.com if the way that the ARC was sent to me.

Blog Tours are something I try to do quite often, if you would like me to participate in a blog tour please contact me directly through email using the subject line "Blog Tour Request".

Giveaways are a great way to give back to my readers, I would like to do more giveaways so if you would like me to host a giveaway or would like me to give something away contact me through email using the subject line "Giveaway Request".

Please note, all opinions expressed on Derpy Reviews, Amazon.com posts and GoodReads.com posts that are associated with Derpy Reviews, [Excluding comments] are completely my own.

I am on Netgalley, consider auto-approving me if you are a publisher!

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